Once you finish reading his book you want more.

Ever since Jozef Banas turned to writing full time in 2006, the popularity of his books has been on a constant rise. His creative home is Slovakia, a country with a population of five million seated right in the middle of Europe. Every year Banas publishes a new literary piece. His works include the #1 bestselling novels Code 9 and its sequel Code 1 about the life of Jesus in India which has become the subject of heated debate among readers. His documentary novel Jubilation Zone is the most translated Slovak literary work. With more than 270,000 sold copies, statistically every eighth household in Slovakia owns one of Banas’ books. The community of his readers is growing fast at home as well as abroad. His books have been published in ten languages including Russian, German, Hindi and Arabic.
Having grown up in communist Czechoslovakia and witnessed the Warsaw Pact invasion in the late 60s as well as the fall of the communist regime 20 years later, Banas draws on his years of experience in business, diplomacy and politics. He intrigues the reader by skilfully combining fact and fiction, bringing him close to real events through a gripping story. His books fascinate, motivate and provoke, their humor makes one laugh, their authenticity astounds and mystic atmosphere thrills. All of his works, though dealing with different social, political or religious themes, have one in common: the insatiable quest for the truth. Banas does not buy any smooth talk, he looks behind the scenes pointing to hypocrisy, raising questions that take the reader by surprise.
Jozef Banas has been awarded several prestigious prizes for his literary works including movie scripts and theatre plays. In 2011, his novel Jubilation Zone entered the finals of the German Johann-Gottfried-Seume literary competition.
Banas is currently at work on a new motivational novel inspired by the life of Milan Rastislav Stefanik.
He is a master of motivational novels.

Code 9
A breathtaking journey in quest for harmony in the world. Mysterious. Deep-going. Read more…
Code 1
A dogma is nothing but the proof of lack of evidence. Thought-provoking. Surprising. Read more…
Code 7
Bhutan – a place where happiness is the greatest wealth. Inspirational. Motivating. Read more…
The Jubilation Zone will impress you and carry you to a reality where freedom is not taken for granted.

My name is Baťa. I can do it!
The life story of the genius businessman and social reformer Tomáš Baťa is fascinating, inspiring, sometimes unbelievable and timeless. He is compared to world celebrities and visionaries like Steve Jobs or Elon Musk. Read more…
I´ll Break Through! Štefánik – A man of iron will
An extremely gripping and interesting view on one of the most fascinating figures of Slovak history – Milan Rastislav Štefánik, a politician, diplomat, astronomer, aviator and general of the French army. One of the three co-founders of Czechoslovakia after WW I. (English edition available) Read more…
Jubilation Zone
A dramatic story of friendship and love set in Europe´s turbulent events of the second half of the 20th century. Based on true occurrences, fascinating. Read more…
Stop Dubcek!
The story of the man who annoyed the powerful. The life of Alexander Dubcek – the leader of the Prague Spring movement in socialist Czechoslovakia in 1968 retold in a captivating novel. Read more…
Beautiful Death in Altai
The novel reveals not only the essence of fear, but also the secrets of Altai and the Russian mystic Nikolai Roerich. Read more…
Rat Carnival
Gripping thriller about the recent political and social situation in Slovakia. There are no political or economic crises, only moral ones. They are caused by rats. Read more…
The Rat Season
Tells us about life under a totalitarian regime where the most important survival tool is pretense. Shocking. Courageous. Read more…
The Man rises and falls, never gives up and learns from his own mistakes in order to find his true meaning of life. The story takes you on a path towards bliss. Read more…
With each of his books he hits the bull’s eye without mincing words.

A sparkling demotivational report on the state of affairs in today’s Slovak society. Satirical comments and essays that will make you burst out laughing. Poignant and witty. Read more…
Idiots in Politics
“The best way to succeed in politics is by having no opinion at all. If you don’t have any opinion, you don’t take the risk of having a wrong opinion.” Banas’ political satire is eye-opening and amusing. Read more…
The Donkey Is Swiss
Humour wrapped up in short reflections, aphorisms, essays, jokes, stories, poems, dialogues, sayings, morals and witty illustrations by the renowned Slovak artist Ivan Popovic and his son. Read more…
A Day Till Eternity
For long Jozef has carried these poems in his soul and hidden them in drawers. Finally, he presents them to you in an exquisite collection. Level-headed and hotly heartened. Read more…
Last Infidelity
A collection of short stories that will touch your heart. True events from everyday lives. Moving. Read more…
Slovak-Czech Conversations
Two voices – two nations represented by two writers sharing their wisdom in a discourse. Read more…
Jozef’s novel about Štefánik was published in the USA and Russia
— Literary Weekly / Literárny Týždenník — Hybrid Global Publishing in New York, in cooperation with Global Slovakia, launched the novel Milan Rastislav Štefánik: A Man of Iron Will written by the Slovak author Jozef Banáš and translated by James Sutherland-Smith. The U.S. edition of the story of the greatest figure in Slovak history contains a foreword written by Slovaks Miroslav Musil and Paul Kanis and Americans Kevin J. McNamara and Dr. Michael J. Kopanica, Jr. “I assume this is the first time a Slovak novel has been published in the USA and I consider […]
New Eastern Europe – the bimonthly news magazine – published Prof. Josette Baer´s review on Jozef Banáš´s latest historic novel
An Iron Will March 4, 2019 – Josette Baer – New Eastern Europe Prebijem sa! Štefánik. Muž železnej vôle (I shall prevail! Štefánik – a Man of Iron Will). By: Jozef Banáš. Publisher: Ikar, Bratislava, 2018. “Were we not to follow the path of truth and prove worthy of the good and the work you have done on our behalf, we would kill you. Were we to act selfishly in seeking our own prosperity instead of the nations, we would kill you. Were we to search for the meaning of life in material things, in money, food and […]
Interview for the Indian newspaper Rajasthan Patrika
March 2018, India – a free translation from Hindi: After Dalai Lama and Dan Brown I would like to meet Amol Palekar Renowned Slovak writer visiting Pink City India´s spirituality inspires After leaving politics he made his career as a writer and journalist India has a special place in the heart of the renowned Slovak writer Jozef Banas. He is greatly inspired by Indian culture and civilization and every day he practices yoga to connect with India. Jozef has come to Jaipur to support the launch of the Hindi edition of his book Code 1, […]
Jozef Banáš received two Platinum Book Awards
The largest publishing house in Slovakia – Ikar Bratislava, which also publishes the bestselling author Jozef Banáš, awarded the highest prizes this year again. Jozef Banáš was the only author to win two Platinum Book Awards for selling more than 25,000 copies. “I’m pleasantly surprised because I was counting on the novel about Baťa, but Code 7 surprised positively. It’s the biggest award for me because it’s a jury of 25,000 readers that gave me such credit. And to me it means more than any literary award because a book is only written when it […]
Jozef Banáš among top three most popular Slovak writers
The largest book distributor in Slovakia – Panta Rhei, announced the results of the thirteenth year of the prestigious survey Panta Rhei Awards recognizing the most popular writers in Slovakia in 2021. In the men’s category, Jozef Banáš came in third. What did the author say about this success? „I am very pleased and honored, I would like to thank every reader who sent me a vote. Being in an elite trio with the legendary Milan Lasica and the detective master Dominik Dán is a great honor for me. It’s a pity that Milan is […]
A novel about Tomáš Baťa, the founder of a footwear empire
My name is Baťa, I can do it! is a new motivational novel by the Slovak author Jozef Banáš published simultaneously in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia. On Wednesday, 3 November 2021, the story of the genius entrepreneur and visionary Tomáš Baťa was introduced to the readers in Prague. The book was launched by the Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš. “Today’s society, Czech as well as Slovak, needs positive role models guided by high moral and ethical values. Baťa was strict not accepting any compromises and mainly, he was hard on himself categorically refusing […]